Friday, 2 February 2007

L'identité, by Milan Kundera

L'étranger I really enjoy the chance offered by the library to read the classics. All in all, it is a good thing that I had to pay for my library card, it motivates me to use it. And once I manage to get in the library, it's like being in wonderland. I pick the German and English books on how much I like the cover, and for the French books, I pick some of the classics.

So far, so good. This novel is a jewel. Although I enjoyed Kundera's writing style less than that of Camus, the plot -- and the way it gets the reader confused -- is great (and simple). Considering the complexity of the themes this novel presents, I wonder how much I actually get out of the book. Why do I always have the feeling that I need to read books a second time these days ? I can't help it, at the first reading, I am so taken by the plot that I don't pay enough attention to anything else. So. I'll read the book again. And try to find other works of Kundera, too.

[Wikipedia article on Kundera (in French)], [Wikipedia article on Kundera (in English)]


lokett said...

ah tiens je l'ai pas lu celui-là mais tu donnes envie :) J'ai bcp aimé "L'insoutenable légèreté de l'être" de lui, mais pas trop "La lenteur", parce qu'il mélange trop roman/essai/journal intime...
Moi aussi j'ai toujours l'impression d'avoir manqué qch dans ce genre de livre, à force d'aller trop vite pour savoir la suite ^-^

Amélie said...

Ok, merci :D
Je me sens pas trop seule comme ca, et je vais essayer de trouver l'insoutenable lénèreté de l'être avant la lenteurs alors ;)