In any case, I love it. I love the style, I love the content. Of course, it is sometimes frustrating to see what the character does, but I like the ideas, the position towards the justice system, towards religion, what it says about communication and understanding another person. Nothing pretentious in this book. I really appreciated the tone.
I think I'll buy the book one day. And I definitely want to read more from Camus. I might have read "La peste" (the pleague ?) but I don't remember well.
Oh. I wanted to add a citation, that I really like. Although I doubt it is the most philosophical part of the novel, I totally relate to it (and I won't risk any translation mistakes, so here you go, in French):
"Avant de quiter le bureau pour aller déjeuner, je me suis lavé les mains. A midi, j'aime bien ce moment. Le soir, j'y trouve moins de plaisir parce que la serviette roulante qu'on utilise est tout à fait humide : elle a servi toute la journée. J'en ai fait la remarque un jour à mon patron. Il m'a répondu qu'il trouvait cela regrettable, mais que c'était tout de même un détail sans importance."
[Wikipedia article in French], [Wikipedia article in English]
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