Thursday, 25 January 2007

Die Windtänzerin, by Adèle Geras

Die Windtänzerin Borrowed from the library, attracted by the nice cover. I've always been attracted to stories of dancers. As it was in the "women" isle, I thought it would be an easy book to read. I can't speak German, so I really need easy books. This was quite a nice story, with a surprise element that I hadn't guessed until they make is more than obvious. That made the whole book come up one rank in my mind. It is possible that I underestimate the book's value because I didn't get the details though. I am far too lazy to look up all the words I don't get in the dictionary. It would meet checking 3 words out of 4. I don't understand how it is possible, but I still understood the story, laughed and nearly cried at times.

[The author's website] -- Made me realize that she wrote a huge amount of novels ! As I quite liked that one, I'll look for some more :)

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