If it had less biblical references, I might have enjoyed it, but as it is, it was rather a pain to read the book. I have to say that I am allergic to religion these days. I am not against spiritualism though, and I had hopes that this would be a purely spiritual book. I might have to read it again later.
The plot was OK, with some exotism but not too much (more like not enough). The story about forgiving our past and believing in our future is presented heavily. The road to the encounter with the angels is oversimplified, so that the readers can feel a connection and be involved in the story. Exotic words and themes are put together with basic notions, but it didn't do it for me. In the end, I found the book superficial and pretentious.
We'll see if I like it better if I ever read it again.
[Wikipedia article about the author (in French)],[Wikipedia: The Valkiries (English)]
hmm oui moi aussi je n'ai pas trop apprécié Paulo Coelho pour ça ("Sur le bord de la rivière Piedra..." notamment, qui est censé être plus spirituel mais en fait non), je suis pas sûre que t'aies besoin de relire, ça reste aussi agaçant :D enfin pour moi du moins ;)
ahah c'est chouette, on a des gouts similaires pour le moment :D
bon, je vais garder mes envies de relecture pour kundera alors ;)
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