Monday, 17 May 2010

Mistborn, by Brandon Sanderson

I bought this book after reading the latest volume of the Wheel of Time co-written by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, since I enjoyed the book and read good reviews about Mistborn.

I really enjoyed the book and couldn't put it down, which resulted in two nights in a row with very little sleep. The characters are diverse and easy to like. Vin and Kelsier are credible and both make good heros. I wasn't too happy about the character development of young Venture. I thought he became a bit of a mop after an intriguing beginning, and then all of a sudden he gets a key role. It really feels like the end of the novel could have used a lot more writing up: too many things happen at once and "by luck".

But it's still a really nice read and I have already started reading the book for a second time, at a much slower rate.

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