I really enjoyed Mistborn, the first volume of Brandon Sanderson's trilogy. I even read it three times, and managed to convince myself that it was ok for Kelsier to have died so early in the story. I liked Vin better anyways. Elend started to look bleh but whatever. So I eagerly ordered the next two volumes and read them just as eagerly.

The Well of Ascension was ok. Some level of pessimism, but then it's the middle volume of the trilogy, so hope in the fantasy world has to get low before it can get raised again in the last volume. We learn of cool things, and that compensates for the losses within the main characters.
Then comes the last book and we learn even more secrets. That's very enjoyable. The situation gets more and more bleak as we get closer to the end, with most of the world now dying. And then the mists get into Vin and she becomes their conscience. And all of the army dies. And Elend dies. And Vin dies (but so does the conscience of the dark side of the force). And then Sazed takes the power, becomes god and sets the earth right again. Perfect clear blue skies, beautiful green grass, healthy and Mistborn Spook. Really.
With such a crazy miracle end, did the main characters really have to die ???
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