Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Sans feu ni lieu, by Fred Vargas

fred_vargas_sans_feu_ni_lieu My mum's a Fred Vargas addict, and I read this one from her collection.

I really like the three historians. Mathias is my favorite, does anybody else have an opinion ? ;D
The way the idiot speaks is just fantastic, you can't help having his sentence construction in your head for days after you've read the book !

I'd recommend this book, just as the other two I've read from her: she's got a really nice style and creates great characters and fiction.

The Good Life, by Jay McInerney

The good life Can't quite remember what got me interested by this book at the library. Maybe the fact that it was brand new. I like unread books. In any case, the story is set in New York. Although I found NY life slightly too complicated for me and fogging the story, I went on reading.
As it was my first book dealing with 9/11 I enjoyed the descriptions of the reactions of people and the general ambiance in the town. I didn't like the love story too much though. Generally, I have the impression that there were too many side characters half-involved in the story without enough depth. Or maybe not. I don't know. Not a huge fan of the book, but I still found it entertaining.